We went to the pet store to get new fish tank supplies and Kayden made his way over to the rodent area. For those of you that truly know me, I absolutely HATE mice! I can't even stand to look at the disgusting things! So going over by them gave me the eeby geebies!
Kayden stopped in front of the guinea pigs and said to them "Come out your house NOW!" It was really cute... Then he looked at me and said "Mom, I wanna see". So I asked the lady standing close by if we could go in and look at the guinea pigs and pet them. We went in and mind you we are right next to the mice, rats, ect... so I'm squirming... But I sucked it up to go in this little tiny room for Kayden so he could see the pigs.
Once in there, and the cute pig was out he didn't want to get close to it. lol Then once he saw that it was okay to pet (b/c mommy was petting it) he took a liking to it. We were in there approx. 5 min and he played with the other ones. We went back out to tell daddy we petted a pig and Kayden went over to the cages and said "this one". We told him no and got our stuff and checked out.
Okay I lied! He threw about a 5 minute fit on how he wanted a pig and Kirk and I just looked at each other with the "What the hell do we do?" look.... We did end up getting him out of Petsmart, but he cried almost all the way home. It was so sad :(
To make a long story even longer.... Once home, Kirk and I talked about it and I forgot something for the fish tank and had to go back to Petsmart anyways... We ended up deciding to get him the guinea pig. Kayden was already asleep so it was going to be a great surprise for the morning!
I went back (had only been gone for 45 minutes from Petsmart) and found the girl that helped us and told her I wanted to get the pig and she looked at me all sad and said "We sold the one you wanted"... WHAT?? I was gone for 45 minutes?? Holy crap! Anywho I looked at the other ones and ended up buying the one in the pics :) He is really fun and really cute and Kayden loves him!
There are some pics of the new set up in the tank also... All I can say is I am NEVER going that long without cleaning it again... YUCK!!
5 months ago
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